To share Reid's story so that no parent, no community, no school will ever feel the pain that we do from a death by suicide.
Reid's Story is designed to be shared with middle and high school students. As of February 22, 2018 Mark and Joni have shared Reid's Story with over 19,000 students. Parents, teachers and administrators have commented that this presentation is valuable and feel it is something that every student should hear.


parent of 3, Doniphan-Trumbull Public Schools
What a phenomenal presentation! I think this is a great eye-opener for our youth and for parents. Not only do Mark and Joni share Reid's story, but they touch base on the opposite side of the spectrum with bullying. There isn't one single person I would not recommend this to. My children have seen it twice and they will see it every time the opportunity arises. What a powerful message! #bekind

Principal, Davis Middle School in Omaha Public Schools
Dr. Adler and Mrs. Adler came to our school and shared the story of their son Reid to our 7th and 8th-grade students. Mental health, suicide, social media, and bullying are all very important topics for students to have an understanding of in 2018. Our students were on the edge of their seats listening to every story and knowledge the Adler's shared. I highly encourage all schools to have them share the story of Reid. Kindness is a focus of the talk and my students are better because if it. I hope that due to their talk we can prevent future tragic events and help students help themselves and others through difficult times.

Senior Student, Bishop Neumann Catholic School in Wahoo, NE
One of the highlights of this school year was definitely Dr. Mark and Joni Adler bringing "Reid's Story" to my school. The eye-opening, heartfelt presentation they give about their son's story is truly a moving and thought-provoking experience, and every one of my peers told me they thought the same. Some were moved to tears, some were simply speechless, but every one of us left with a deeper belief in the importance of adopting one simple trait: kindness.